Friday, February 28, 2014

The Weather Outside is Frightful, But This Blog is So Delightful

Dear blog,

When it rains...well, in California it's just a freakish random hodgepodge of oddness. I woke up to find it lightly raining, and within ten minutes it was pouring, and within an hour it was dumping down tons of rain SIDEWAYS. Bits of trees fell into the street, leaves strewn about in long piles, detritus littering the road like the scene from a Victorian era battlefield, it was nice. We've had a long time without rain now, and even if it all falls down at once, it's definitely a long way toward getting us the water we so desperately need. However, it's not all good news. California drivers treat even the first smattering of sprinkles like the impending apocalypse, so you can imagine what an actual rainstorm must seem like. If aliens had invaded and started vaporizing everyone, I think we would be less surprised and freaked out than we are when WEATHER show us! Drivers going half the speed limit and weaving about every which way because they can't be bothered to look too much for the white lane dividers are not exactly my idea of safe driving conditions. Add to that random gusts of winds that try to nudge my car wherever it pleases (not that I'm so easily swayed), and you have a disaster in the making. I saw not one, but two paramedics with sirens on in a ten minute drive alone. What say you to that my blogged friend?

I'm excited though. All the TV shows put on hiatus while the Winter Olympics were going on are coming back! After surviving my own digital drought with only one or two shows to amuse me, I now have nearly a dozen to choose from! I'm practically giddy! Almost. Or something.

Also, our dog Tucker is in the pet emergency room after probably ingesting some kind of pill for something or other. He's been given a lovely helping of charcoal, which will bind to the chemicals and make him sick for a bit to get as much of it out as possible. I did something similar a few years ago, and the charcoal paste is not exactly the most pleasant thing in the world, if I'm being honest. Which I am. It's like dry molasses mixed with severely burnt marshmallows. Now, I'm not averse to burnt things, I like my toast singed and my marshmallows to spend at least three or four seconds on fire, but this isn't anything like that. This would have the same equivalent taste of leaving a piece of bread in a fireplace for the duration of a five-hour fire and then scooping up the ashes and mixing it into wood glue and eating it. Sound pleasant? I didn't think so. Poor dog. And yes, charcoal toothpaste used to be a thing. Crazy people.

I have to pacify the evil demon cat now. She won't stop meowing. Blog, if you never hear from me again...the cat did it.

Hopefully still yours in one piece after this, Andrew

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